Results for 'Cecilia Almeida Salles'

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  1.  38
    Artistic creation as a semiotic process: The esthetic lure of final causes.Cecilia Almeida Salles - 1994 - Semiotica 102 (3-4):225-236.
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    O processo de criação de João Anzanello Carrascoza: diálogos com Bakhtin.Cecília Salles - 2023 - Bakhtiniana 18 (4):e62278p.
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to reflect on João Anzanello Carrascoza’s writing process, based on the concept of creation as network and expanded with Bakthin’s discussions on polyphony. The writer’s files are studied from the perspective of communicative practices, with emphasis on the dialogism of subjects in community, who engage in dialogues of different natures. We present questions that move the author’s literary project, the materialities of the construction of his work and the dilution of boundaries between process (...)
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    Modulation of Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor by a Single Dose of Ayahuasca: Observation From a Randomized Controlled Trial.Raíssa Nóbrega de Almeida, Ana Cecília de Menezes Galvão, Flávia Santos da Silva, Erick Allan dos Santos Silva, Fernanda Palhano-Fontes, João Paulo Maia-de-Oliveira, Lobão-Soares Barros de Araújo, Bruno Lobão-Soares & Nicole Leite Galvão-Coelho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Entre dois mundos: um exame da recepção de ideias da Revolução Francesa em Raízes do Brasil.Maria Cecília Pedreira de Almeida - 2024 - Discurso 54 (2):98-109.
    Não resta dúvida de que os princípios da Ilustração, como os da liberdade, igualdade e fraternidade estiveram muito presentes na história de várias nações ibero-americanas. No caso brasileiro, no entanto, é evidente o quanto o Estado guiado por esses nobres ideais tem engendrado frequentemente o seu oposto. A falta de certos serviços e garantias essenciais para cidadãos no estado brasileiro é algo incontestável. Conhecendo a importância de tais princípios no Brasil, a proposta é compreender como Sérgio Buarque de Holanda utiliza (...)
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    Filosofia e Formação.Maria Cecilia Pedreira de Almeida & Priscila Rossinetti Rufinoni - 2023 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 28 (2).
    Este trabalho tem por propósito fazer uma análise sobre o valor formador da filosofia, apresentando o quanto esta disciplina pode contribuir para a formação integral dos estudantes, e ainda como o PIBID – o Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, se insere nesse projeto formativo, não apenas preparando futuros docentes, mas contribuindo também para a formação de futuros pesquisadores que integrarão os Programas de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia. A pesquisa foi elaborada com dados de dois anos de subprojetos da (...)
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  6.  19
    O elogio da toler'ncia em Pierre Bayle.Maria Cecília Almeida - 2010 - Cadernos Espinosanos 24:115.
    A obra de Pierre Bayle colaborou decisivamente para a formação do discurso filosófico sobre o conceito de tolerância, noção central nas sociedades modernas. Os escritos de Bayle foram essenciais para a disseminação daquela idéia pelos philosophes no século XVIII. Uma das principais teses defendidas por Bayle é que a liberdade de consciência e de opinião deve ser garantida aos indivíduos. O Estado não deve perseguir por motivos religiosos e não deve haver violência quando se trate de opiniões que não geram (...)
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  7.  22
    Occupy: Movimentos de protesto que tomaram as ruas.Mari Cecília Pereira de Almeida - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 19:267-270.
    Resenha sobre o livro Occupy : Movimentos de protesto que tomaram as rua.
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    Vozes da virtude: Moralidade, religião E sociedade em Bayle E Rousseau.Maria Cecilia Pedreira de Almeida - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 21:219-232.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze the similarities and differences between Bayle and Rousseau especially regarding the question of the necessity of religion and political consequences for society.
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  9. Generacije, Međugeneracijski Odnosi, Generacijska Politika. Višejezični Kompendium - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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  10. (1 other version)Generații. Politici Generaționale Și Relații Intergeneraționale. Un Compendiu Multilingvistic.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  11. Gerações, Relações Intergeracionais, Política Geracional. Um Compêndio Multilíngue - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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  12. (1 other version)Générations, Relations Intergénérationelles, Politiques de Générations. Un Abrégé Multilingue.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  13. (1 other version)Generationer, Relationer Mellan Generationer, Generationspolicy. Ett Mångspråkigt Kompendium.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  14. Kuşaklar, Kuşaklararası Ilişkiler, Kuşak Politikasi. Çok Dilli Bir Rehber.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  15. Kartos, Kartų Santykiai, Kartų Politika. Daugiakalbis Kompendiumas.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  16. Nemzedékek, Nemzedékek Közötti Kapcsolatok, Nemzedéki Politika. Többnyelvű Kompendium - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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  17. (1 other version)Generazioni, Relazioni Intergenerazionali, Politica Generazionale. Un Compendio Multilingue.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  18. Покоління , Міжгенераційні Відносини, Політика Міжгенераційних Відносин. Багатомовний Компендіум - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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  19. (1 other version)Generations, Intergenerational Relationships, Generational Policy: A Multilingual Compendium.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  20. Generacije, Medgeneracijski Odnosi, Medgeneracijska Politika. Kompendij V Več Jezikih - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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  21. Gerações, Relações Intergeracionais, Política Geracional. Um Compêndio Multilíngue.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  22. Kartos, Kartų Santykiai, Kartų Politika. Daugiakalbis Kompendiumas - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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  23. Nemzedékek, Nemzedékek Közötti Kapcsolatok, Nemzedéki Politika. Többnyelvű Kompendium.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  24. (1 other version)Pokolenia, Relacje Miȩdzypokoleniowe, Polityka Relacji Miȩdzypokoleniowych. Wielojȩzyczne Kompendium.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak & Ayşe Canatan - 2016 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, M. Sánchez, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 12 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2016, 300pp.
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  25. Kuşaklar, Kuşaklararası Ilişkiler, Kuşak Politikasi. Çok Dilli Bir Rehber - Edition 2017.Kurt Lüscher, Andreas Hoff, Andrzej Klimczuk, Giovanni Lamura, Marta Renzi, Paulo de Salles Oliveira, Mariano Sánchez, Gil Viry, Eric Widmer, Ágnes Neményi, Enikő Veress, Cecilia Bjursell, Ann-Kristin Boström, Gražina Rapolienė, Sarmitė Mikulionienė, Sema Oğlak, Ayşe Canatan, Ana Vujović, Ajda Svetelšek, Nedim Gavranović, Olga Ivashchenko, Valentina Shipovskaya, Qing Lin & Xiying Wang - 2017 - Universität Konstanz.
    K. Lüscher, A. Klimczuk, Generations, intergenerational relationships, generational policy: A multilingual compendium, 17 languages, Universität Konstanz, Konstanz 2017, 428pp. TS - BibTeX M4 - Citavi.
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  26. Compatibilism: Stoic and modern.Ricardo Salles - 2001 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 83 (1):1-23.
    It is agreed by most scholars that the Stoics were compatibilists regarding the relation between responsibility and determinism. On this view, the Stoics depart from two other positions. Unlike some eliminative determinists — labelled in modern discussions “hard-determinists”, but already active in Antiquity — they assert that, despite determinism, there are things that “depend on us”, or are : things for which we are genuinely responsible and for which, therefore, we may justifiably be praised or blamed. But the Stoics also (...)
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    Anthropomorphism in AI.Arleen Salles, Kathinka Evers & Michele Farisco - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (2):88-95.
    AI research is growing rapidly raising various ethical issues related to safety, risks, and other effects widely discussed in the literature. We believe that in order to adequately address those issues and engage in a productive normative discussion it is necessary to examine key concepts and categories. One such category is anthropomorphism. It is a well-known fact that AI’s functionalities and innovations are often anthropomorphized (i.e., described and conceived as characterized by human traits). The general public’s anthropomorphic attitudes and some (...)
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  28.  36
    Paul Ricoeur e a lógica do perdão.Walter Ferreira Salles - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):414-435.
    Meu objetivo é refletir sobre a lógica do perdão como manifestação da justiça a partir da contribuição filosófica de Paul Ricoeur. Pretendo igualmente refletir sobre o papel da tradição cristã nas leis e na política a partir da perspectiva da justiça. Para tanto, esse debate será articulado em torno de três pressupostos fundamentais: primeiro, a lógica do perdão está para além do esquecimento e da vingança; segundo, o perdão se insere na perspectiva do dom e da gratuidade; enfim, a ideia (...)
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    On the normative implications of social neuroscience.Arleen Salles - 2013 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 13 (13):29-42.
    Within the last decades, brain science has been offering new insights into the relationship among diverse psychological processes and the neural correlates of our moral thought and behavior. Despite the distinction between the explanatory/descriptive nature of science and the normative nature of morality, some neuroethicists have claimed that neuroscientific findings have normative implications. In this paper, I identify three interpretations of the claim. The first focuses on neuroscience’s role in explaining the origin of morality and of moral values and how (...)
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  30. On Necessary Gratuitous Evils.Michael James Almeida - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):117-135.
    The standard position on moral perfection and gratuitous evil makes the prevention of gratuitous evil a necessary condition on moral perfection. I argue that, on any analysis of gratuitous evil we choose, the standard position on moral perfection and gratuitous evil is false. It is metaphysically impossible to prevent every gratuitously evil state of affairs in every possible world. No matter what God does—no matter how many gratuitously evil states of affairs God prevents—it is necessarily true that God coexists with (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Theistic modal realism?Michael Almeida - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 3:1-15.
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    The Need for a Conceptual Expansion of Neuroethics.Arleen Salles, Kathinka Evers & Michele Farisco - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (3):126-128.
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  33. Defeasibility and Gettierization: A Reminder.Claudio de Almeida & J. R. Fett - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (1):152-169.
    For some of us, the defeasibility theory of knowledge remains the most plausible approach to the Gettier Problem. Epistemological fashion and faded memories notwithstanding, persuasive objections to the theory are very hard to find. The most impressive of those objections to the theory that have hitherto gone unanswered are examined and rejected here. These are objections put forward by Richard Feldman, Richard Foley, and John Turri. While these are all interesting, the objection recently put forward by Turri is, we think, (...)
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  34. Vagueness as Arbitrariness: Outline of a Theory of Vagueness.Sagid Salles - 2021 - Springer.
    This book proposes a new solution to the problem of vagueness. There are several different ways of addressing this problem and no clear agreement on which one is correct. The author proposes that it should be understood as the problem of explaining vague predicates in a way that systematizes six intuitions about the phenomenon and satisfies three criteria of adequacy for an ideal theory of vagueness. The third criterion, which is called the “criterion of precisification”, is the most controversial one. (...)
  35. Moorean absurdity : an epistemological analysis.Claudio de Almeida - 2007 - In Mitchell S. Green & John N. Williams, Moore’s Paradox: New Essays on Belief, Rationality, and the First Person. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Neuroethics and Philosophy in Responsible Research and Innovation: The Case of the Human Brain Project.Arleen Salles, Kathinka Evers & Michele Farisco - 2019 - Neuroethics 12 (2):201-211.
    Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an important ethical, legal, and political theme for the European Commission. Although variously defined, it is generally understood as an interactive process that engages social actors, researchers, and innovators who must be mutually responsive and work towards the ethical permissibility of the relevant research and its products. The framework of RRI calls for contextually addressing not just research and innovation impact but also the background research process, specially the societal visions underlying it and the (...)
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    La construcción de la bioética, edited by Ruy Perez Tamayo, Rubén Lisker, and Ricardo Tapia.Arleen L. F. Salles - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (2):182-184.
    Ruy Perez Tamayo, Rubén Lisker, and Ricardo Tapia, La Construcción de la Bioética, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2007, reviewed by Arleen L. F. Salles.
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    Los Antecedentes Presocráticos de la Teoría Estoica de Conflagración.Ricardo Salles - 2022 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 16 (1):88-114.
    In this paper, I explore the Presocratic antecedents of the Stoic theory of conflagration and argue that, even though three central theses of this theory have solid antecedents in Presocratic physics, the logical connection between them is a Stoic innovation. I label the Presocratics who hold these theses ‘Anaximandreans’ and include in this group Anaximander himself, Heraclitus and Diogenes of Apollonia, and reveal that Anaximenes, Democritus and Antiphon share with them central meteorological and cosmological assumptions.
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    Epistemic closure, skepticism and defeasibility.Claudio de Almeida - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):197-215.
    Those of us who have followed Fred Dretske’s lead with regard to epistemic closure and its impact on skepticism have been half-wrong for the last four decades. But those who have opposed our Dretskean stance, contextualists in particular, have been just wrong. We have been half-right. Dretske rightly claimed that epistemic status is not closed under logical implication. Unlike the Dretskean cases, the new counterexamples to closure offered here render every form of contextualist pro-closure maneuvering useless. But there is a (...)
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  40. ᾽Εκπύρωσις and the Goodness of God in Cleanthes.Ricardo Salles - 2005 - Phronesis 50 (1):56 - 78.
    The ἐκπύρωσις, or world's conflagration, followed by the restoration of an identical world seems to go against the rationality of the Stoic god. The aim of this paper is to show that Cleanthes, the second head of the School, can avoid this paradox. According to Cleanthes, the conflagration is an inevitable side-effect of the necessary means used by god to sustain the world. Given that this side-effect is contrary to god's sustaining activity, but unavoidable, god's rationality requires the restoration of (...)
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  41.  66
    Topics in Stoic Philosophy.Ricardo Salles - 2002 - Mind 111 (444):869-873.
  42. Epistemic closure, skepticism and defeasibility.Claudio Almeida - 2012 - Synthese 188 (2):197-215.
    Those of us who have followed Fred Dretske's lead with regard to epistemic closure and its impact on skepticism have been half-wrong for the last four decades. But those who have opposed our Dretskean stance, contextualists in particular, have been just wrong. We have been half-right. Dretske rightly claimed that epistemic status is not closed under logical implication. Unlike the Dretskean cases, the new counterexamples to closure offered here render every form of contextualist pro-closure maneuvering useless. But there is a (...)
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  43. The Ofences of the Imagination: The Grotesque in Kant’s Aesthetics.Beatriz de Almeida Rodrigues - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics:1-17.
    In the Critique of the Power of Judgement, Kant claims that ‘the English taste in gardens or the baroque taste in furniture pushes the freedom of the imagination almost to the point of the grotesque’ (KU 5:242). This paper attempts to reconstruct Kant’s views on the grotesque as a theoretical foundation for the modern conception of the grotesque as a negative aesthetic category. The first section of the paper considers and ultimately rejects the interpretation of the grotesque as a difficult (...)
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    Disgust in Bioethics.Arleen Salles & Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2012 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 21 (2):267-280.
    edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics.
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    Aristóteles y el apeiron de Anaximandro.Ricardo Salles - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 51:151-176.
    Este trabajo intenta resolver una tensión que existe en el modo en que Aristóteles concibe el apeiron de Anaximandro, la substancia a partir de la cual se genera el cosmos. En algunas partes del corpus, Aristóteles la presenta como un cuerpo básico que genera el cosmos por medio de un cambio de sus cualidades, pero en otras como un cuerpo compuesto de substancias básicas que el cual generaría el cosmos cuando éstas se separan la una de la otra. Como veremos, (...)
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  46. O Problema da Vagueza.Sagid Salles - 2016 - Fundamento: Revista de Pesquisa Em Filosofia 1 (12):139-174.
    Este artigo é uma introdução crítica ao problema da vagueza. Não vou explicar ou avaliar as teorias da vagueza aqui. Meu objetivo é introduzir e discutir o próprio problema, com o intuito de alcançar uma formulação clara do mesmo. Minha formulação tornará claro quais condições uma teoria ideal da vagueza deveria satisfazer, assim como os principais obstáculos para desenvolver teorias que satisfaçam estas condições.
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  47. Elección y acción en la Ética nicomaquea.Ricardo Salles - 1993 - Dianoia 39 (39):1.
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  48. Nota Sobre o Frege de Evans.Sagid Salles - 2019 - Investigação Filosófica 10 (2):39-46.
    Evans famosamente declarou que Frege não aceitou a possibilidade de sentido sem referente, o que significa que ele não foi tão tolerante com nomes vazios quanto comumente se pensa. Um problema central para a tese de Evans é que Frege diz explicitamente que aceita esta possibilidade, e parece que ele de fato foi tolerante com nomes vazios. Neste artigo, defendo que a solução de Evans para este problema implica que Frege estava comprometido com uma explicação implausível das frases contendo nomes (...)
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    Epistemic Closure and Epistemological Optimism.Claudio de Almeida - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):113-131.
    Half a century later, a Dretskean stance on epistemic closure remains a minority view. Why? Mainly because critics have successfully poked holes in the epistemologies on which closure fails. However, none of the familiar pro-closure moves works against the counterexamples on display here. It is argued that these counterexamples pose the following dilemma: either accept that epistemic closure principles are false, and steal the thunder from those who attack classical logic on the basis of similarly problematic cases—specifically, relevance logicians and (...)
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    Why is the Cosmos Intelligent? : Stoic cosmology and Plato, Philebus 29a9–30a8.Ricardo Salles - 2018 - Rhizomata 6 (1):40-64.
    The present paper studies a family of Stoic proofs of the intelligence of the cosmos, i. e. of the thesis that the cosmos is intelligent in the strong sense that it is, as a whole, something that thinks. This family, ‘F2’, goes back to a proof, ‘XP’, found in Philebus 29a9–30 a8 and Xenophon Mem. 1.4.8. F2 infers the intelligence of the cosmos, as XP does, from the general idea that our intelligence proceeds from the cosmos, which is the ultimate (...)
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